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Summer Planning

Summer Planning

Even though teachers have the summer off we usually have a hard time switching off our teacher brains. I find myself on my family summer holidays looking around and thinking about whether I can use different natural objects in my classroom. I can’t walk down a...
Storytelling with Story Stones

Storytelling with Story Stones

Storytelling is a major component of early literacy development, which can be challenging when children are still developing their basic printing skills. Recently I discovered story stones to help my students practice their oral language skills, and discover the joy...
Using Nature to Inspire Art

Using Nature to Inspire Art

Sometimes on rainy days it is a challenge to get our students outside. While I like to think that we shouldn’t let the rain stop us, sometimes it’s nice to have a cozy day inside. On the days when we are out in nature I like to collect a selection of items that can be...
How Natural Elements Can Change a Classroom

How Natural Elements Can Change a Classroom

Coming into my classroom after spring break, it felt like a different room. Before the break I took down my hanging ferns and brought my potted plants home, and it wasn’t until coming back after the break that I realized the impact these plants have on the classroom....