We know you want what’s best for your students. You want them to be healthy, happy, and in an environment in which they can perform at their best. Did you know that you already have many of the tools at your fingertips necessary to create the ultimate green classroom? The changes you make have the ability to affect the health and well-being of your students, while helping the environment at the same time. These changes can also impact your students’ ability to focus and absorb information. Some ideas require little resources and can be implemented right away. Some of these suggestions may require more resources and will need to be done over time.

Big or small, implementing these changes will have a significant positive impact on your students and their learning environment.

  • Open the blinds and keep windows clear in order to maximize the children’s exposure to natural daylight. This increased exposure has been shown to increase student performance, concentration, as well as enhance their emotional well-being.
  • Find out where air comes in and out of the classroom to make sure there is adequate air flow.
  • Make sure vents are uncovered so that airflow is not obstructed. Clean vents to avoid dust circulation.
  • Take advantage of natural ventilation on cooler days by opening windows and doors when possible. –
  • Advocate for a no idling policy for buses and cars at pickup time.
  • Fix sink leaks to avoid mold growth.
  • Consider making mats available outside the classroom door so children can wipe their shoes. This will help minimize bringing in toxins from outside.
  • Find out if there is a Green Cleaning Act in your province or state. If there is, you will have more leverage to advocate for the use of green cleaning supplies. At a minimum, you can make sure that the cleaners you use, and ask parents to supply, are environmentally friendly. Using these cleaners reduces airborne toxic substances and particulates. Additionally, avoid air fresheners and other substances used to cover up odors.
  • Keep a neat and orderly classroom and make sure to involve students in the process. An uncluttered space will reduce dust and will also improve student focus and attention. A dust free classroom can reduce asthma and other respiratory issues.

As an educator, you have a tremendous opportunity to positively impact your classroom and school. Not only can you provide your own students a healthy and sustainable classroom environment, but you also have the ability to set an example and pave the way for others to do the same. Learn more about how you can give your students the chance to learn in a green and healthy school. Download our catalog to find out how Natural Pod can help you create a healthy learning environment for you and the children in your organization.