10%  of proceeds of the Curious Bundle will go The Canadian Childcare Federation who are are working to advocate for full-time child care for front line healthcare workers during this time.

THE CURIOUS BUNDLE – Bundle Price $425 – Includes Free Shipping and Savings of $40 (Original Bundle Value $465)

If you’re looking for ideas and open-ended play opportunities for young learners, whether you’re a parent or childcare provider, these Play Bundles and Play items may be just what your children need to spark their creativity and imagination. We’ll be creating various bundles and highlighting different play furniture items for the next few weeks. Both to help childcare workers who are supporting the work of the frontline service providers, and to offer you and your early learners the opportunity for hours of open-ended play, particularly during this time of social distancing and when the possibilities for going outside are reduced. (Please see the benefits of open ended play below.)

Childcare is always an essential service, and never has this been more clearly demonstrated that during this pandemic. Many childcare workers and early childhood educators are continuing to provide this essential service for frontline workers, while potentially putting their own health at risk in the process.

The team at Natural Pod are so very proud and appreciative of these men and women who are continuing to provide this essential service to support the equally essential work of the front-line workers who are helping protect and care for us all.  Therefore as part of our effort to support these essential services we are donating XXXX percentage of proceeds from the Play Bundle above to the Canadian Childcare Federation who represent early learning and child care organizations across the whole of Canada.

The Canadian Childcare Federation (CCCF) have been incredibly instrumental in acquiring the government to take action to support childcare providers during this time, their actions have in turn supported and protected families children and whole communities. Our aim through a donation of proceeds from the Play Bundles we’re promoting over the next few weeks is to help the CCCF continue their essential and brave work.

Thank you for your support.

THE CURIOUS BUNDLEBundle Price $425- Includes Free Shipping and Savings of $40 (Original Bundle Value $465)


The Benefits of Open Ended Play:

  • Open Ended Play is a Space for Children to Explore Ideas and Concepts – When we give our children the time and space for open-ended play, they get to test out their own ideas.
  • Open Ended Play Provides a Low-Stress Environment Where Children Are Less Afraid of Making Mistakes – Fear of making mistakes is one of the greatest barriers to learning – in adulthood as well as childhood. Open ended play provides a low stress environment where children can take risks. Play is one space where it is safe to make mistakes. This makes play one of the greatest tools for learning. Open ended play can teach children that it is okay to make mistakes, and that making mistakes is one of the most important ways we learn.
  • Open Ended Play Helps Children Develop Social and Emotional Intelligence – As children communicate with one another in open ended play, they learn how to read social cues and respond appropriately. They are able to do this because of the low stakes environment created by open ended play. Children explore a range of emotions through pretend play. As they express and respond to the emotions expressed by their peers, they develop emotional intelligence.
  • Open Ended Play Allows Children to Teach Themselves – Listen in on your child’s play, and you will see that they are teaching themselves, and practising out all sorts of interesting things through their play.
  • Open Ended Play Creates the Ideal Circumstances for Children to Enter Flow – Flow, is a fully immersed mental state that optimizes learning. Open ended play is a wonderful way for children to enter this state. A child’s play provides structure, live feedback, and just enough challenge to keep them learning.