Our very own Tree Branch Blocks have just been named one of the Top 10 Eco-Toys in North America! Judged on their affordability, age appropriateness, level of creativity and socialization engaged, eco-friendliness and child-initiated interactivity, the Tree Branch Blocks have held their own as an enviro-take on an old theme.

Toy Test Seal ColorSmall

And though its no surprise to hear our locally-made, beeswax-finished, kiln-dried alder Tree Branch Blocks get called eco-friendly, what is always astonishing is to witness firsthand the kind of open-ended imaginative play such simplicity can foster. That’s when the magic begins!

Appropriate for ages 2 to 8 a Small Set of the Tree Branch Blocks comes in a locally made natural cotton bag and retails for $29.95. Consisting of many unique pieces of various diameters and lengths, still covered in a thin layer of bark with smooth finished ends, these rustic blocks offer the ultimate in open-ended building stimulation. Also available are medium and large sets as well as various sized sets in four natural, plant-dyed hues.

treesmall med 2 blocks at play