As we know, Natural Pod, for the most part, has always been about home. About the Pod: the seed from which all healthy and balanced family interaction can germinate. Our products speak to our desire to match your desire to choose healthy, natural items for your children that are produced fairly and sustainably. We share the same philosophy of life as many of you do: a healthy home is the centre of the universe. When a child is given the gift of space, the gift of time, her imagination flourishes. We witness, as parents, the joy brought by “less is more”, the organic stimulation that occurs when the focus is quality not quantity.
And so, that said, we bring you the beauty of plant-dyed playsilks, the earthiness of modeling beeswax, the simplicity of wooden bath boats. We bring you games to foster family, kits for crafting, and blocks for building… And, as said, it tends to be all about the Pod, the inner rather than the outer in a way.
But, of course, outer exists! Outer is joyous! Outer is adventuresome, playful and fun. How could we not love outer?
And so we started looking for someone who knows outer, who knows adventure…just like we know inner! And we found her! And she is completely aligned with our own business practice…
Baby Rhys is an Edmonton based Adventure Gear company that combines local design and hand-looming techniques to produce a simple, stylish line of quality totes, hats, lunch wraps, blankets and shoes for your little one “on the go”. Their cotton crib shoes were just recently given the Mom’s Best Award and have been featured in magazines big and small! The colour and pattern selection is just gorgeous, and none of it is over-engineered in any way. We love it!
We are thrilled to have partnered with this fantastic Canadian company to fill out our range of Natural Pod offerings and to honour both the outer AND the inner! The majority of the Baby Rhys product line can be found at, but a few extras are at!