Green Schoolyards America is a national organization that expands and strengthens the green schoolyard movement and empowers Americans to become stewards of their school and neighborhood environments. Their mission is to inspire and enable communities across the United States to enrich their school grounds and use them to improve children’s well-being, learning and play while promoting community engagement and contributing to the ecological health and resilience of cities. They believe that school grounds are uniquely positioned to enrich the daily lives of children and their communities, occupying both the geographic and social heart of almost every city across the USA and around the world.

Green Schoolyards America facilitates public dialogue about innovative research, design, education and policy and fosters partnerships between professionals and organizations across the USA and around the globe. Their programs promote the green schoolyard movement, build relationships that help it succeed and work to embed this paradigm shift in our existing institutions and national policy and regulatory frameworks.

Help Them Raise Funds for a Free Outdoor Activity Guide

Green Schoolyards America are creating a free online Activity Guide to help schools across the Midwest bring their students outside and use their grounds to the fullest for hands-on learning, recreation and environmental stewardship. Our 2016 Living Schoolyard Activity Guide—Midwest Edition will include 40+ one-page activities that can be accomplished outside on school grounds during academic lessons and recreational times before, during or after school. We will collaborate with organizations in Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin to collect dynamic, hands-on outdoor lessons, games, art and project ideas that highlight the region’s unique climate, ecology and culture.

Help us raise funds: We would greatly appreciate your financial contribution of any size in support of this project. Please share this campaign with your colleagues, friends and family! Learn more and donate today!

Green Schools of America - Ourdoor Fundraiser - Donate