Our upcoming webinar ‘Case Study: How Indoor/Outdoor Classrooms Deepen Students Learning’ is sharing the key lessons learned from a unique middle school project based in California. Repurposed shipping containers were innovatively used to create indoor/outdoor learning studios in order to meet their sustainability goals by bringing together curriculum, instruction, and the physical space. The session will share the outcomes of students’ learning experiences and how stakeholder buy-in was gained at both the district and school level.

The webinar on December 8th  3-4pm ET / 12-1pm PT, is part of the EDspaces conference. We’re delighted to be taking part even though remotely, and having our Founder and CEO Bridgitte Alomes co-present with Jay Greenlinger, Director of Curriculum and Instruction for the Oak Park Unified School District in California. 

We’d love for you to join us. Register here. These are the learning objectives for the session:

  • Describe initiatives that increase environmental literacy across a school district.
  • Apply sustainable practices to personal context.
  • Identify the benefits of outdoor learning environments and collaborative planning efforts.
  • Relate the connection between project-based learning, environmental literacy, sustainability, district-wide planning, and learning space design.


If you’d like to see Bridgitte and Jay’s previous conversation during the construction phase of this unique project you can do so here. ‘Learn How This School Is Using Repurposed Shipping Containers and Sustainable Furniture To Meet Their Learning Goals.‘ It gives the background story on how this project even came into being and the effect the pandemic had during the build and post completion.