‘The ‘Indigenous Learners Ideabook‘ has solutions for creative learning environments using natural, sustainably harvested wood furniture. In Alomes’s words, “sustainability is built into everything we do.” ‘
The InHabitat article also goes into some of the history of the why Bridgitte Alomes founded Natural Pod, and why being sustainable and environmentally responsible was so important to her from the outset. It also explains some of the features that make the business, its people and its product sustainable and environmentally responsible.
‘All the wood comes from trees harvested using Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified source material. Natural Pod’s products are also all ethically manufactured and made with soy-based adhesives and non-toxic varnishes. The entire process is geared toward sustainable construction and eco-responsibility. Products are made to order, not as a mass production. They’re also packed in custom-built crates so orders can be flat-packed. This helps Natural Pod minimize waste.’
Thank you to InHabitat and KC Morgan for picking up our story and sharing it with their community.