This year Natural Pod will be teaming up with Green Schools National Network and heading to the Green Schools Conference! It’s taking place virtually over two half days on June 28 and 29th, and there are some fantastic speakers and interactive sessions and events lined up.

Plus to add in some playfulness, this year we’re supporting the Sunday, June 27th evening event – the Green Schools National Networks Friends and Family event, this year named ‘Yappy Hour!’ – taking place 7 – 8.30pm EST, Sunday, June 27th. Register here before June 27 to ensure you’ve saved your spot and you’re included in the contests!


This is what Green Schools Conference is all about:

The Green Schools Conference (GSC) is the only event to bring together all the players involved in making green schools a reality: people who lead, operate, build and teach in schools. This year the Green Schools Conference will convene virtually over two half-days of programming, featuring inspiring keynotes, interactive education sessions and engaging peer group networking opportunities.

The conference will address topics such as design for sustainability education and social equity, healthy schools and COVID-19 response, empowering student leadership, achieving climate commitments, and much more. Whether you are a teacher, school or district staff, educational leader, parent, student, building industry professional or nonprofit partner, the Green Schools Conference is the premier opportunity to learn and engage.

This highly anticipated conference is always inspiring, informative and motivating. We look forward to seeing you there! Here is where you can find out more and register for the conference