Wow!  What an exciting time for us here at Natural Pod. We have received some amazing press lately and we just could not wait to share it with you.

Mothering Magazine’s “Best Natural Toys 2009″Untitled-1

Just today, we had an early sneek peak at the Nov/Dec Issue of Mothering magazine. We are very excited by their feature of 6 Natural Pod toys! This is the 3rd year in a row they have featured Natural Pod in the Best of Natural Toys. Definitely look out for a copy. You can also purchase a digital subscription for instant gratification.

Toy Test Seal ColorSmall

Blogs, blogs + more blogs!

BIG THANKS to our amazing Mom Bloggers across Canada and the US for helping us promote our BIG WIN as one of the Top Ten Eco-Toys of 2009! Read the numerous articles and rave reviews at Eco Child’s Play, Green & Clean Mom, Cool Mom Picks, Vitamin Daily Kids, Simple and Alternative Consumer. And that’s just to name a few!