Beautiful, timeless, sustainable, flexible and empowering learning furniture solutions.

We support childcare centers, early learning programs, pre-kindergarten classes, transitional kindergarten rooms, elementary, middle, and high school classrooms, as well as libraries and common spaces.

An investment in our quality educational furniture is also an investment in our children, our planet, and our future.

With a range of sustainable tables, benches, shelving, activity and workspace elements, as well as play lofts and structures you create dynamic learning spaces. When you blend functionality with agility you open up a world of creative possibilities.

Our benches can be boats. Our tables turn into stages, and our shelves offer comfortable seating. Young minds open to free play and embrace the joy of learning. The environment becomes the third-teacher and the physical, social + cognitive well-being of learners and educators is enhanced.

Change can be easy. We offer a lifetime warranty and unrivalled customer service. You’ll work with our experienced team focused on your vision to develop floor plans, honor your budget, and become a true partner in your process. It is personal, interactive and the results are extraordinary.

Invest in a vision of education that prioritizes the well-being of students, the health of the planet, and the future of learning.

(877) 630-6763

Our business is a force for good.

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Get your copy of our Ideabook.

Download our Ideabook to find an elegant collection of beautiful, durable, sustainably made furniture solutions for early learning, elementary, middle and high school furniture, as well as library and common spaces. Let’s create exceptional learning environments together. Fill out the form below to get your copy.