Even before the dramatic and transformative events of 2020, we recognized the need to strengthen a specific set of connections: those between design professionals and early childhood education professionals. All children who spend time in early learning spaces, such as childcare centers, family care and preschools, can benefit from the thoughtful design of those environments.

The trends are clear: the importance of quality care for children between birth and five years old continues to gain traction in many policy arenas, and many of our region’s conversations about schools, housing, transit, social justice, health and racism include, as an important component, ensuring access to early childhood education.

The Design for Early Learning symposium is about examining the impact early learning spaces have on children, educators, families and communities, and how to create healthy and inspiring play and learning environments for them. The symposium takes place over the course of three days, in small blocks to ensure you can still connect with your own day-to-day work. We do hope that you can take time out of your day and engage with the expert speakers and gain insights to inform the important work you do each day. 

  • Monday, September 13, 8-10 am PT
  • Wednesday, September 15, 8-10 am and 4-6 pm PT
  • Saturday, September 18, 9-noon PT

The underlying premises for the Symposium are: 

  • The design of early learning environments is an important – even essential – effort.
  • Achieving well-designed spaces for young children need not be costly or complicated. 
  •  We can strengthen the connections between designers and practitioners, which will lead to great environments for our region’s youngest residents. 

With a focus on spaces where kids can thrive – emotionally, physically, mentally and intellectually – we can find ways to bring two sets of caring professionals together. Our goal for the 2021 Day of Dialogue is to continue and sustain the work that will set us on this path.

Attend the Symposium on Design for Early Learning and be part of this important conversation.