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A year in review: 2022

A year in review: 2022

Our 2022 word of the year was partnership. Through intentional partnerships we were able to impact learners and educators in new, meaningful ways.  Leaders in learning (aka you!) created better learning environments all around the world! Some of you impacted spaces...
What we’re reading: We Want A School!

What we’re reading: We Want A School!

  “We Want A School!” – a book illustrating how children define the learning spaces they truly want & need. “We Want a School,” written and illustrated by Enrico Giori and the learners of Grade 5B of the Caracciolo Elementary School Milan, explores from...
Growing with intention

Growing with intention

To further support Natural Pod’s growth and impact in the world, we are delighted to welcome two new solutions team members: Tania Crosbie and Chris Jack. As education advocates, they will bring exceptional partnership to educators and planners who are working to...