slow-death2By now you may have heard of this new book – Slow Death by Rubber Duck: How the Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Life Affects Our Health, written by Rick Smith and Bruce Lourie. The Globe and Mail review does a good job of showing that while the science may be imperfect, the message that we need increased vigilance about what chemicals we are exposing ourselves and our families to is “important and timely.”

It was precisely this concern about safety that led us to found Natural Pod. We didn’t have all the scientific facts at our fingers, and certainly didn’t trust the industry-support research claiming that all the mass-produced, plastic, disposable toys out there were safe. What we knew was that feeling deep in our instinctual parenting gut, that the standard industry toys weren’t healthy.

As we began our search for safe, environmentally-friendly toys for our own children, we met many other families on the same quest. Out of this shared concern for our children’s safety, and hunger for more creative, imagination-based toys, Natural Pod was born. We have discovered and now make available a great diversity of toys and we are designing and locally producing even more products that we can feel good watching our children explore and grow with.

So a big thank you to the authors of this book, and to all parents who are trying to sift through the myriad of misinformation and good research to find the best for their children. We hope that this blog can continue to be a forum for sharing information and supporting each other along this important path.