newFavorite quote from week 2 of the fabulous Natural Pod giveaway contest:

There have been many times in my life that I have had to recreate my sense of home, because of moving and because as a young woman I chose to stay in a domestic violence shelter to protect myself and my infant daughter. I am now remarried and my daughter is 12 with 3 wonderful siblings. Our sense of home has always been important to us, and it is more than just a place. Home is in your heart and your family, and when they are close I know that I am home. Our home is filled with the things we love, from heirlooms, to handmade projects, and vintage treasures. I love the things in our home that promote creativity and shared times together. I am so grateful for the home we have to shelter us, and I am ever thankful for the home I have in the hearts of my children and loving husband.