Even in the middle of the covid pandemic this amazing early learning centre was imagined and created, and we couldn’t be prouder of the results. It goes to show what is possible when a creative vision is mixed with strong leadership. The new CEFA Early Learning Centre in Surrey, BC, was spearheaded by Blair Kennedy, and is absolutely stunning! We are so honoured to be part of this project and support Blair in creating such a warm, welcoming and inspiring environment for new families.

CEFA Early Learning is: ‘an educational method designed to educate the whole child, not simply academically, but socially, emotionally and physically. Each aspect of the CEFA program provides knowledge and stimulation to your child’s brain in different ways. Unlike many daycare and preschool programs, the CEFA method is based on a contemporary approach to early childhood development, which reflects the needs of children worldwide in today’s society, and aims to ensure that your child is provided with a voice. Your child’s special, unique individuality is celebrated, and they are encouraged to express themselves with joy and exuberance.’

Blair contacted Natural Pod to help support this vision, as she felt our sustainable, flexible furniture would enhance the centre’s learning environments by creating a beautiful canvas where educators wanted to be, and children felt safe, welcomed and could reach their potential. 

Congratulations on your wonderful space, and we can’t wait to hear more from your early learners and their families as they begin their play and learning journey with you.