Our work at Natural Pod is all about learning environment transformation. Transformation that supports children to more deeply engage in learning, connection and relationships with each other, their teachers and community. We’re so grateful when our clients share videos of their projects that really show how investing in more sustainable, simple, healthy learning environments creates incredible change for children and educators. Here’s a recent video from Chapmanville Primary in Chapmanville, West Virginia that shows how inspired educators can create change with a bit of effort and support from our team.

“Friends – the transformation of Chapmanville Primary has been amazing to watch. This video slideshow proves that a group of committed educators can take a Prek – 5th grade building and create a very special Prek – 1st grade early childhood learning environment with a little elbow grease and a lot of hard work. Of course there is more work to do but together we have created a backdrop, an inspired space, for great things to happen. Our team is so impressed by your teachers, administrators and leaders. Thank you for the opportunity to work in Logan County. Enjoy!” Tarabeth Brumfield, Program Development Officer, June Harless Center, Program Director, MU Early Education STEAM Center, Marshall University

Before and After