As a sustainable educational furniture company that takes its environmental responsibilities very seriously, we are paying close attention to the upcoming Student Global Climate Strike happening between 20th and 27th of September.
As a member of the Natural Pod team, last week I attended an event aimed at raising awareness of both the Global Climate Strike and the local School Climate Strike happening here in British Columbia, Canada (where Natural Pod is based). The event was hosted by local businesses and the two young people who are organizing the local strike. What was incredible to witness was the power of their passion and knowledge and how eloquently these teenagers explained how they felt about what was going on around the world. And one of them isn’t even old enough to vote! It really brought home the extent of the climate crisis and how when millions of young people are standing up and demanding dramatic and urgent action, we really need to listen.
Here are some great words from Dogwood, an organization that supports the rights of children who are too young to have a legal say:
“Please remember – your role is to listen and amplify the call to action from young people, not step in and take over. Make sure you hear the concerns, hopes, and beliefs of young people around you. Take them seriously. Be their ally in conversations you have with other adults: be explicit about your support, use your influence to help bring the message of the striking students into spaces where they can’t be present.”
What Is Happening The Week Of September 20th – 27th:
Beginning Friday, September 20, students around the world will be striking from school and taking to the streets of their city for a week of action to express the urgent need from governments to challenge the climate crisis.
There are currently over 3300 events taking place worldwide from September 20th through 27th, as millions of people walk out of classrooms, workplaces and homes to join together in the streets and demand climate action and climate justice.
Then, on Friday, September 27, millions of people worldwide will join the young school strikers, culminating into what will be the biggest global climate mobilization ever. The idea is to use collective power to stop “business as usual” in the face of the climate emergency. Young people are hoping the significance of this global gathering will push folks still on the sidelines into action.
A Brief History Of The School Strikes Movement:
The school strikes movement began in August 2018 when Swedish student, Greta Thunberg, started skipping school every Friday to hold a climate strike protest outside Sweden’s Parliament building. Since then, the movement has spread across the globe. This September 27, Greta and youth organizers from 140+ countries are calling on parents, teachers, workers and students to join their grassroots, youth-led actions.
This wave of mobilization, one of the biggest the world has seen, is as amazing as it is fragile — its organic nature, the fact that it’s led by young people, the absence of a large form of centralization, the DIY culture and the zero-budget approach, are all reasons for its success. Adults taking part need to do so without throwing this formula off-balance — their role is to listen to young voices and help amplify their message.
Is Your School Joining The Student Climate Strike?
If you’d like more information and to access resources please visit: